Here is the story behind Chargers Fans in NYC written by one of the original members, Jessica Thompson.
Two seasons ago, a group of 6 Chargers fans living throughout New York City began watching games together. By word-of-mouth and the power of the internet, that group has now grown into well over 100 people. We have an “official” Chargers bar here in NY that sports Charger memorabilia, has a Charger themed menu (the B”LT”, “Gates”adilla and Merriman Steak “Sackwich” to name a few) and has been featured in local newspapers here. On any given Sunday you can find dozens of Chargers fans chanting “LT, LT!”, dancing on benches and tables while singing “San Diego Super Chargers” and cheering for our beloved Bolts. I’ve had friends visit from San Diego tell me the only other place they’ve experienced such an awesome vibe for Chargers fans is at Qualcomm Stadium itself. It has become a place for Chargers fans to find a piece of San Diego nearly 3,000 miles away and as the co-chair of the group, I am proud and excited to have found such an amazing group of people who share my passion for all things Bolts.
We were delighted to find out the Chargers would be playing the Giants at the Meadowlands this season and as soon as tickets were available, we started scooping them up. We arranged to have one 45 person limo bus take a group of us to the stadium to tailgate, and that bus filled up so quickly and was in such high demand, that we ordered a second 45 person bus. Since then we’ve arranged a tailgate that will be over 220 people; both NYC/Tri-State area residents and San Diegans flying in for the game. We’re also hosting a pre-game party/pep rally the night before the game (Saturday, November 7th) at our local bar, MJ Armstrong’s (located at 1st Ave and 19th Street) that looks to be 100+ Chargers fans strong.
We welcome you to join us at MJ's or our tailgate party this coming weekend! Email us at if you have any questions.
We are on the way from San Diego Tomorrow!! See you all at MJ Arm's!! GO BOLTS